

发表时间: 2022-08-06 21:40



很有特色的手串(收于2022年)此手串由青金石保山南红、油青和嘎巴拉穿串而成;品种杂而不乱;色彩斑斓却不辣眼;最具灵性的骨骼嘎巴拉,让此手串变成了开智的法器。听闻有这样的说法:嘎巴拉念珠可以使亡者安息、生者平安,是真正“通死生之大,明阴阳之道”的法宝。This hand string is made of lapis lazuli, Baoshan Nanhong, Youqing and Gabala; The variety is miscellaneous but not disorderly; Colorful but not hot eyes; The most spiritual skeleton, Gabala, turns this hand string into a magic tool to open wisdom. It has been said that Gabala beads can make the dead rest and the living safe. They are the magic weapon to truly "pass through the greatness of death and life and clarify the way of yin and Yang".
